

Department of Chemistry


Brief on Industrial Chemistry Department

The Chemistry Programme began as a unit under the umbrella of School of Science and Science Education in October, 1981 along with other Departments in the Faculty. It is involved in the teaching of integrated five year degree programme leading to the award of the B.Tech degree in Industrial Chemistry. A wealth of postgraduate course offered as well leading to the degree of M.Sc and Ph.D in Chemistry. Details of this degree programme are contained in the Departmental Brochure or Syllabus as well as the University Prospectus. The teaching objectives of the Industrial Chemistry are as follows:

  1. To provide to students a thorough grounding in the principles and qualitative scientific methods of the Chemistry Sciences
  2. Induce in the student a sense of curiosity as well as an enquiring mind in order to encourage and develop in the creative thinking and research
  3. Generate in them an awareness of the resources in their immediate environment so as to enhance solutions to the challenges of our times for a march towards nation building
  4. To seek to educate and train Chemists, particularly applied chemists, who can think fundamentally about their subject and who can acquire as graduates a meaningful picture of the Chemistry Industry
  5. Inculcate in students appropriate skills and abilities to manage and administer technological cooperation within the field of chemistry and allied arrears
  6. Prepare the applied chemistry students for professional participation in chemical industries. It is intended that graduates of this programme will be able to adapt themselves to jobs which are problems/results oriented in a chemical, petrochemical, biochemical and allied technological fields viz. food, environmental, polymer etc

Collaborative research involving visitors to the department and visits by programme staff to other institutions in Nigeria and abroad, has long provided enrichment to our programme. We welcome enquiries by individuals and organizations interested in such collaborative ventures.

The chemistry programme offers courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Industrial Chemistry, Masters of Science (M.Sc) in Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical, Industrial and Polymer Chemistry. The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree is also offered by Research in a limited number of areas


Course Curriculum

Curriculum for Industrial ChemistryClick to view or download

Curriculum for BiochemistryClick to view or download

Undergraduate Programmes


Five-Year Integrated Programme (WASC/GCE/SSS Candidates)

Candidate must satisfy all University entry requirement including the required five credits in relevant papers all obtained at not more than two settings. The qualifying subjects must include a credit pass in chemistry as well as a credit pass in Mathematics. Credit pass in physics and biology are also required.


Candidate admitted direct will normally enroll in the second year of the program. To qualify for direct entry, candidates must satisfy the requirements set out in the WASC/GCE/SSS requirement above. In addition, they must have passes at principal level in the GCE Advance Level, IJMB or equivalent in at least two subjects, one of which must be chemistry and either Mathematics, Physics or Biology. The passes in the two subjects must be obtained in one sitting.



To be eligible for the award of a B.Tech degree in Industrial Chemistry, the candidate must have satisfied the following conditions:


The approved requirements of the School of Science, Including General Studies with respect to work-load, registration for courses and program duration. The program requirements which involve mainly satisfactory completion of the compulsory courses, the restricted elective course and other approved courses, and the Industrial attachment with a satisfactory grade.

Postgraduate Programmes


The following M.Sc programme are being run in the department:-

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Polymer Chemistry

Residency Requirement: Two Academic Sessions


Course requirement is as specified under each degree option. Research project commences immediately after second semester examination.

Postgraduate students are to assist in the planning and running of undergraduate laboratory classes and tutorials in relevant areas as directed by the Head of Department. No candidate will normally be expected to work for more than six hours per week during each semester.

Course Requirements: minimum of 27 units distributed as follows: - Compulsory courses common to all degree options CHM601 (3), CHM602 (3)


Analytical Chemistry

CHM611 (2), CHM612 (1), CHM613 (2), CHM614 (3), CHM615 (4), CHM616 (3), CHM617 (3), CHM618 (3), CHM619 (1), CHM634 (3) = 25 units

Inorganic Chemistry

CHM621 (3), CHM622 (3), CHM623 (2), CHM624 (3), CHM625 (2), CHM626 (2), CHM627 (2), CHM629 (2) = 23 units

Organic Chemistry

CHM631(3), CHM632(3), CHM633(2), CHM634(3), CHM635(3), CHM626(3), CHM637(1), CHM638(3), CHM639(1)= 22 units

Physical Chemistry

CHM641(3), CHM642(3), CHM643(2), CHM644(2), CHM645(2), CHM646(3), CHM647(3), CHM648(3), CHM649(1)= 22 units

Industrial Chemistry

CHM651 (4), CHM652 (6), CHM653 (3), CHM654 (4), CHM655 (2), CHM656 (2), CHM657 (2), CHM658 (3) = 23 units

Polymer Chemistry

CHM681 (1), CHM682 (5), CHM683 (2), CHM684 (4), CHM685 (3), CHM686 (5), CHM677 (1)= 21 units

Where necessary candidates may be required to remedy specific weaknesses at undergraduate level


M.Sc Research and thesis on candidate’s area of degree option: CHM660 (0). Note: In special circumstances the Department may recommend modification of courses requirements by substituting/adding some courses in order to better prepare a candidate for a particular research project.


All courses are subject to the General University Regulations for Higher degree and any regulation approved for the Faculty of Science


  1. Admission Requirements

To be eligible for admission into the Ph.D degree programmes of Faculty of Science, candidates must satisfy at one of the following requirements:

A good M.Sc Degree in chemistry or a related discipline. A candidate with this qualification may be required to complete satisfactorily certain non-credit courses specified by the supervisor and programme concerned. Any other qualification, together with relevant experience, as deemed acceptable to the postgraduate committee and the university senate.

  1. Structure of the Ph.D Programme

General Requirements

For full time students, the duration of Ph.D degree programme shall normally not be less than two years (24 calendar months) and not more than four years (48 calendar month). Candidates may apply to the university postgraduate committee for extension, but shall normally not be allowed to submit their thesis after five years (60 calendar months).

Part time candidates shall normally pursue studies for not less than four years (48 calendar months) and not more than seven years (84 calendar months) before being examined for the degree, provided that senate may on the recommendation of the school board, extend the maximum period by not more than 12 calendar months for the purpose of these regulations staff of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University who wish to enroll for Ph.D degree shall be regarded as part time candidates.

The Ph.D degree programme shall of either purely research of both courses work or research.

To graduate a candidate is required to have satisfactory completed his thesis dissertation while occur work is applicable the candidates, should have met the requirements of the programme with regards to the course credits.

Candidates may be required to assist in the running of undergraduate laboratory classes and tutorials.

Before graduating, candidates will be expected to present at least two seminars or their research topics required by their programme.

  1. Course work

When applicable, they will consist of course prescribed by the programme and approved by the school Board depending on the candidate academic background, these perceived courses must be passed (second on pass fail basis).

  1. Research

The research subject topic subject to approval by the school board will normally be within the available research areas or an interdisciplinary area

Before embarking on research work, candidates must normally have passed each of the prescribed courses.

  1. Postgraduate Ph.D Degree Curriculum

Where necessary the required courses would be drawn from postgraduate M.Sc Degree courses depending on the student’s area of need and or deficiencies.


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